Hey everyone! I’m on the hunt for some awesome podcast recommendations! I'm open to anything Bravo, True Crime, tech deep dives, and even a little sprinkle of politics. What are your faves?

Rebels Daily Discussion Group
After watching the intensity of last nights debate. I reflect and read:
End of Summer
An agitation of the air,
A perturbation of the light
Admonished me the unloved year
Would turn on its hinge that night.
Welcome to Successful September! 🌟
This month is filled with endless opportunities for growth, achievements, and wins that will set the tone for the months ahead. Each success you achieve in September will create a positive domino effect, propelling you towards even more victories and accomplishments in the future. Embrace this month with determination, focus, and a positive mindset, knowing that your hard work and efforts will pave the way for a successful journey ahead. Get ready to seize every opportunity, overcome every challenge, and celebrate every win. Let's make September a month of continuous success and progress!
#PushingPositivity #PositivityEnthusiast
💪🏾🎉 #SuccessfulSeptember #WinsOnWins #PositiveDominoEffect #NewMonthNewOpportunities

Was Listening to Elizabeth Peru's Tip Off this morning and she was speaking on a Feminine Future. What does a Feminine Future look like for you?

I love Disgraceland -- the Dark Side of the Entertainment industry and Darknet Diaries host Jack Rhyside is about the secrets of the web. This mixes your love for entertainment, tech, and true crime 😉