Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, and as Chinese New Year approaches, I will embark on a 3-day series starting today, writing about Chinese New Year and its activities, along with the stories behind them. We will first explore the taboos during New Year celebrations as the first part of my series.
While these customs may appear weird, they are steeped in cultural significance and tradition. Let's look at what they are.
🔴 The Reunion dinner binds family members together in shared moments.
🔴 Staying up late signifies auspiciousness, watching over the elders and welcoming the arrival of the new year.
🔴 Avoid consuming fish head or tail to prevent any associations with misfortune.
🔴 Leaving some food uneaten symbolizes abundance and prosperity for the coming year.
Day 1:
🔴 Avoid waking someone abruptly to safeguard against disruptions in the new year.
🔴 Mandarin oranges symbolize good luck and prosperity, hence stocking up is customary till the end of day 3
🔴 Refrain from afternoon naps to signify diligence and industriousness
🔴 Avoid taking medicine
🔴 Avoid “sweeping” away good fortune.
🔴 No shower
🔴 Do not discard garbage until day 5
🔴 Opt for a vegetarian meal as the first meal of the year.
🔴 Abstain from washing hair or clothes until the end of day 2, symbolizing the preservation of good luck.
🔴 Married daughters traditionally refrain from visiting their parents' house until day 2
Throughout the Chinese New Year of 15 days, additional superstitions guide our actions:
🔴 Refrain from borrowing or lending money to prevent financial instability.
🔴 Avoid offering CNY greetings to someone in bed, as it may bring illness.
🔴 Gifts such as scissors, clocks, or pears are avoided due to their negative connotations.
🔴 No swearing
🔴 Wearing torn or black/white clothes
🔴 Rice jars cannot be empty
🔴 Avoid going to hospitals during this period
It's important to note that the above are not strict rules, but rather suggestions or precautions taken for good luck and fortune. They are often based on traditional beliefs and superstitions, not necessarily scientific evidence. Their observance also varies across regions and families.
So which one do you follow?
Are there anything else you can add to the list? Now that we've reviewed them, I'd love to bring them to life in the following video for you. Hope you enjoy: