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The Face We Show the World - Are They Too Often Disguises?

The face we show the world can often be one that aligns with societal norms and expectations. The kind of face to which a mother-in-law might warm. This persona often accompanies awkward smiles and enthusiastic head nods.

It is not a lie; an opportunity to avoid being truthful. Rather... it's a temporary disguise, shielding our hearts and providing us refuge within a secure space.

This facade offers, an intermission... a face to hide behind... while you try to politely respond to the barrage of questions: Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? These inquiries, that are delivered via rapid-fire, are attempts to decipher our core... all within, what feels like, an invasive... thirty second brief.

Sometimes, it's a matter of cultural differences at play. America, a fiercely competitive land, can leave immigrants like me feeling isolated. I'm the kind of person who requires moments of solitude and opportunities to unveil the many facets of my being.

Some may label me as mysterious, but I consider myself cautious and naturally inclined to keen observation.

As we venture into the world donned in our protective capes and masks, perhaps we should consider taking more time to observe. Look for signs that someone might be feeling cornered or struggling to be heard. Maybe, just maybe, offer them a moment to catch their breath.


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Rebecca Thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Jun 01, 2024

Thank you for sharing this. I hear you. I see you. It's so sad navigating a world where so many want to be seen but don't want to be looked at (we're craving connection, but scared to give and/or receive in a way that creates that connection). Mysterious is something I've been called before as well. That keen observation - so many take it as judgment or guardedness, when in reality it's simply a more reserved way of being. I've been listening to some meditations lately by Toni Jones. Maybe they'll feed your soul like they do mine? She has a track called "Being real is the new fake". The truth you shared here reminds me so much of her…

Heidi Millar
Heidi Millar
Jun 03, 2024
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Thank you for sharing, Rebecca. I have always resonated with the idea of wanting to be seen, but not looked at. I'm uncomfortable being the center of attention, yet I crave deep and meaningful connections. For me, it's important to feel safe being myself, even if that means observing before engaging. I speak up because I want to, not because it's expected.

I am excited to listen to this meditation. The phrase, “Not a new me, but a true me,” perfectly captures my feelings. I don't want to market myself as relatable; I just want to be genuine. Often, because I observe before engaging, I'm labeled as an introvert. But that's not how I see myself. I'm very sociable, bu…


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